Tuesday, December 24, 2013



May the Lord Bless you all and keep everyone safe over the Holidays and on the roads.
May the Lord Bless you and your family though out your wonderful Christmas and wonderful New Years.

Monday, December 16, 2013

All most done with my Painting

I am all most done with my lions painting and it is coming along really well.
I do know that I am having a hard time with the grass but it does not look really bad. I know that I have to work on it more and make it look like it suppose to do but I am having a little hard time with it  also I know it is looking like it should.
I know that when I'm done the next painting that I will do will turn out better then my second and third paintings because now I know how to do it, and make it look better and the way they should look as well.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My Links for Paintings






I commented ont JoelAlexssaMonicaAnali, and Crystal painting and they are doing really well on there paintings and I hope that they all don't give up on art.
I am proud of them all even it is hard because I know that I'm proud of myself with my paintings that I have done.

Here is the other two that I did Yesterday

Here is my other two pictures of my painting that I did yesterday that I thought I posted on my blog but I was looking and I notest that I did not posted yesterday like I though.
So I am posting this two pictures today so I can have the on my Painting Blog so I can also get a grade on them .
The fear that I'm working on does not quit look like fear but it is coming along really nice so I can't say a whole lot of anything to it.
I am proud of myself that it is coming along nice even if I am having a hard time with it I know I'm doing my best on my painting.

My painting that is coming along really well.

Here is my painting that I'm working on and it is coming along really well I just have to work on the grass and the face then I'll be done with it also I'll have to fix all three painting of mine.
I do know that I'm having a little bit of trouble blinding and the colors together on my painting but I know that it takes time and when I do get better at it then, any other paintings that I do will look better then the first three painting when I started out.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I added more colores

Here is my painting that I am working on and I do know that I am have a little bit of trouble getting the colors mixed and get the colors that that I need but I'm still working on.

Monday, December 9, 2013

I add more color

I added more color to my painting and it is the body of my lions also I'm still working on the getting the colors that I need for it.
I do know that this painting is going to be very inter sting because the picture that I picked is has a lots of orange in it, also I have to come pear each time when I mix my colors on the picture.
I am just taking my time so I can get the colors really close to the picture that I have so it looks little bit like the real picture that I have, also it looks like real animals and when I do add more colors to my painting it will come out like it suppose to look.

I started my Third painting Today

Here is my third painting that I started on today and it is coming along little bit at a time.
I do know that my mixing is getting better little bit it is just taking time getting the colors that I need.
I do know that I do not need to make the shapes of my drawing but I'm still working on it.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I commented on Paintings


I commented on Crystal, and Monica painting and they are doing a beautiful job on them.
I am proud of them both I hope that they keep up the great job on the all.

Here is my full painting that I just finished today.

Here is my final picture that you can see all of it and how it looks after I got done with it.
It does look like it the real thing and it does look like you can touch it or even like your really their have a wonderful time their. I do it is not my favorite painting but I do like it also it turn out great.
I am proud of myself that I got to get it doen today because I have been working on it for a long time.

Up cose shot of my panting of the background.

Here is my my up close shot of my painting that I just finished today.
I really don't like the way the background came out when I was trying to make it look like it suposed to look like.
I do know it it came out really nice for the first time I've painted something difficult I do enjoy it though even if it does not look like the way I want it.

Added purple to it and more green to it.

Here is my painting that I did yesterday and I thought I took a picture of yesterday but I didn't.
So here is my painting that I did and I added more colors to it and shading as also. It is coming along really well I think it is coming together really good.
I did added the purple tree to it and its shadow and I also added the green tree as well and I added the shading with it also.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013



 I commented on Monica and Crystal paintings and they are doing really good and I hope that they keep up wonderful job on there paintings.

I add more to my Painting

I add mor paint on my painting and it is coming along really well.
I am all most done with my second painting but it is coming along slowly but it is get done.
I am liking it a lot better each time when I add to it and do my best mach it best of my ability.

Monday, December 2, 2013

My second paing

I add little bit more color to my painting today but I did not add very much to it.
I do know that I need help on it little bit and when I get this painting done I have to start on my third painting.
I have not started on my last painting yet because I am having a hard time getting the colors that I need for my third painting so I am going to get help on that also.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Web Sites


For Painting

Venetian Zephy

I add more colors

Here is what I have add to it and is and I do liking it. Also it is looking like I am their and on a quite place with a special friend and his name is Yeshua, and he is all ways their with me when I need someone to talk to.

Here is my painting that I did today and it is coming along really well.
I do like it a lot and the mixing the colors together is coming along.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Missing Assignment

 Here is my assignment that I missed and I did it on Friday so I would not forget to do it.
I did watch the video again and I also mixed my own three colors that I was suppose to do.
They are looking really good and they look really close to the colors that I need.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



I commented on JoelAlexssa, and Monica paintings.

My paintings

Here is my painting that I'm working on and I have added the reflection of the brig and it is coming out really good.

I have added more shading and it was the under neath of the brig.
I do know that I need to fix the water and put more water were the white area that I did not put color.
It is coming really well and it looks like it popping out at you also it it feels like I'm really their as well.
I am excited to finish it so I can start on my last painting so I can see what it would look like when I'm done.
I am excited to finish this painting is because I can't wait to see how it turns out and how it looks when it is done.
I am proud of myself because I am learning so much in painting and I'm glad that I am taking painting because then I can start my own painting at home.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013



I commented on AlexssaAnaliMonica, and I commented on Crystal and she posted her painting on the 17. Alexssa, Anali, and Monica It this week that they posted.

  They are doing really good on there paintings and they are doing a beautiful job on them aslo.
  I am proud of them all and I hope that they do not give up on it and continue with their paintings.

My Second Painting

Hers is my painting that I am working on and I was working on the brig so I can see work with the back ground and see what I need to do next as well.
It is coming along really well if looks so real to me and it seams like I am actually their on the brig with my special person that I all ways wanted.

Monday, November 18, 2013



I comment on Monica, and Crystal paintings and complement on them as well.
  They are doing a wonderful job and I know that they can do anything when then put there minds to it.  I am proud of them they are doing really well in art.

My Painting

Here is my second painting that I am working on and I am trying it done right also trying to get the colors that I need to work with.
I am having little truble mixing the colors so I can get what I need but it is coming along really well and I am liking it a lot.
I know it takes practice mixing the colors and geting what you need to mach them as much as I can to the picture that I'm working on.  

Friday, November 15, 2013



I commented on MonicaCrystalAlexssa, and Joel painting and they are doing so well on them I am really proud of the all.
Here is my painting that I am working on an dI got to paint part of some trees that is really dark.
It is coming along really well an d it is taking me a long time get what I need well it seams it is a long time but I know it is taking me a long time.
When I get really start on it then it will look a whole lot better.
I do like it a lot and it looks like it is real to me.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Here is my second painting that I'm working on and it is coming along really well.
I will have to fix the tree on the right because it is close to the same color on the first green I did.
It is taking me a while but when I get really going on it then it will more likely with turn out the way I am hoppen it to.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

 Here is my other painting that I'm working on and I started it today.
It is the one with the brig with water and with some trees also.
I'm not sure how this is going to come out but I hope it turnes out really good.
 I can tell you you it has some green it, some whitish color for the brig and different shades of blue and green as well.



 I commet on MonicaAnaliJoel painting and they are doing well on there paintings.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



I commented on Alexssa and Monica paintings.
  They both are are doing really well and they are coming along to fair with there paintings.
Well my black and white painting is done I do like it and it turned out really nice also I am proud of it.
I believe that sense it is my first time working with paint like this I do enjoy it very my much and tomorrow I'm going to work on one my other painting that's deals with colors now.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Here my painting that I was working on and I am working on the background so it can look like the picture that I was looking at.
I fished my painting that I was working on but I do know that I need to have to dok some touch ups so I can see the flower better and so it can look like a flower.
I do have to put my color strip on my painting to show that what colors I used to make these colors.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013



 I commit on my group of people that is in painting with me.

Here is my painting that I'm working on and it is coming along.
This is the painting that I did little over one the week end and it did not come out like I was hope so I did not work on it very much because I had a question for Mrs. Wheeler and she helped me in class .
Here is the one that I'm working on the back ground and it is coming along really well and I do like very much I'll keep working ont it so it can get done and see how it looks when it is done.

Friday, November 1, 2013

I comment


  I comment on three people's painting and no one else has posted anythings else.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I committed on my Paint friends


I committed on my friends paintings.

 I got the flower done today and it is coming along really well.
The flower looks like that you can touch it with your hands, and the butterfly look like it can land on you also.
I just need to add the shades to the flower and then work on the smaller flower so it can look like a flower when I start putting more shades into it.
Finally the last thing I have to do it the back ground and when it is finish it will be done so I can start on  another painting that I have.
I am very proud of my painting and I can't wait to see it be finished. :)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Here is another picture from yesterday and I add little more to it.
This painting is taking me a while to get done but I believe that I'll be done with if before this Friday is up.

Here is my black and white picture that I was working on and I added more to it then yesterday.
Also it is coming along really well and I can't wait to finish it so I can start on the other ones that I have not started on.
My black and white painting looks really real, it also looks like that you can touch it and feel it, and it looks like the butterfly is going to take off flying or sleeping.
I am so exited for it and I am enjoying it as well.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Here is my butterfly picture that I'm still working on and I started adding more shades to it and it is coming long really well.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Here is my butterfly that I am working on and it is coming long little by little.
To me it does not look like it should but when I'm doen with it I think it will look like he should.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Here is my lion and that I fixed and also got help on because I had a hard time making the hed the way it was suppose to be.
Now sense I fixed it I get to paint and make it look really and hope that it will turn out really nice when I"m done with it.

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Butterfly

My Butterfly is finished.
I finished drawing it today after school it is turning out really good.
I can't wait to start painting it with black and whit paint so I can see what it looks like when it is finished.
I do like like my picture that I draw and when it is done it well look really real that you can touch it and fill it as well.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Here the last picture that I'm work on and it has the picture with so you can see what I'm drawing better.

Here is the picture with the Photo picture beside it and is coming along really well I have work on and work on it so I can start painting on it.
This picture is harder to work with but I know that I can do it also it deals with a brig, water, and trees as well.

  I finished this drawing that I did and it came out really nice so fare so all it needs black and white paint.
  This picture does not have the picture beside it because I'm showing you what it looks like with out the picture on my paper.
  Here is my butterfly and flower that I'm drawing and it is coming along really well this is also the one that is going to be in black and white there will be no color excepted black and white.
  I do like this one better than my lions that I have drawn but I know when I get them done they will turn out really good.
Here is my Lions that I'm drawing with have the picture on my paper.
  I do have to fix it up little bit on the hole body but I know that I can do it with out any problems.

Here is one of my pictures that I am working on and I put the picture that I'm drawing with my picture so you can see what I'm drawing.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

  Here is my butter fly that I'm working on and it is coming along really well.
  I am working on to get it done so I can finish, it so I can start painting with black and white so I can get it done also I can see how it looks when it is done.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I picked this painting is because it looked so real and also it looks like you could touch it with your hands.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Color Wheel

Here is my color wheel that I finished and it turned out really good.
I do like my color wheel that I did sense it is my first time being in Painting.