Monday, January 27, 2014

My Drawing for Today

Here is my drawing that I did today in class an I do know that I am having a little hard time drawing the skeleton but it is coming along, all right I just need to work on it so I can get better at it when I start   doing it on my final drawing. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Drawing of a Band Jo

Here is my drawing that I drawn and it was different I do like it a little bit. I do know that I am have a little hard time doing the peace in the middle of the Band Jo but I'll get it. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Adding Shadings

I started shading today and it is coming along well I do know that I kind of don't like it but I do enjoy it also my painting is getting better each time I us water pinnacles.
I do know that I have been improving in my painting each time I work with it.
I am proud of myself because now I can do it at home when I can also to teach other students and adults how to do it if they don't know how.

Added more color

I finished my painting yesterday with the candies and they turned out really well.
I do like it a lot and it looks real to eat and munch on them.

Monday, January 20, 2014



I commented on Monica and Alexssa painting and they are doing so well on there candy painting also they look really good to eat it makes me want to take eat them, but I know that I can't eat them sense they are on paper with water colors pinnacles they would not be so tasty to eat. :)

Todays work on my shading

HEre is my painting for today that I was working on in class and I do like it a lot very much it is coming along really well.
I ma proud of myself that my painting is getting better each time I work on it in class.
I know that I have one more day to work on it but I know that I'll get it finished before second period is over tomorrow.
The colors are turnout out really amazing and when I'm done with my candy painting I'll be so happy because I know that I can work all sorts of things like water color pinnacles, coloring pinnacles, acrylics, and and other type of paints as well.
Also I have learned how to shade with in painting as well and I am enjoying learning new things every single day in school and out of school.

Last Week

Here is my painting that I was working on last week and I thought I posted it but I did not so I'm posting it today.
The shading is coming along really well and I do like how it is coming out.
I do know that Im getting better with my painting and I enjoy painting very much because it something different and I am learning a lot.
I have a wonderful teacher who is teaching me a lot through out my high school year and I am thankful that I have Mrs. Wheeler as my teacher.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Second Post of my painting

Here is my painting I'm working on and it is coming along really well I do like it a lot even though it is my first time putting water to water color pinnacles.
When I get it all done it will look really real and it looks delicious to eat.
I am proud of myself because I like the way I did my candy.
I have a wonderful Art Teacher and is a Blessing to me and I know I am a Blessing to her as well.  

Water color pinnacles

Heren is my picture of my candies that I drew while I'm looking at them.
I started painting yesterday and it coming along just a little at a time.
I do like the way I draw  my candies because it looks like they are really real.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Candy drawing number 2

Here is my candies that I am working on and I added the details on the ment's and they are coming along really well I did have some trouble drawing, the shape for the ment's because I had a hard get the size or the shapes that I need.
I did get the size and the shapes that I needed for my ment's and it is coming along rally well. All I have to do is to finish the designs on the other two ment's and I'll be done drawing and then I"ll start working on the water colors and shading as well.

My Candies Picture

Here is my picture of my candy picture that I had to do draw and it is coming really well also I do like it because it looks like they are real and you can eat them. Humm they look good to to each and stack on.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

I commented


I commented on HunterAlexssaCrystal, and Anali candy that they all are doing for Painting.

Web Sites


Web Site

Scatter Candy

Here is my Scatter Candy that I'll be working on this semester in art class in painting and I am going to have fun doing it when I get started on it.
I know that when I get started on my projecte that I will have to draw the candy out and blow then up to make them bigger so it looks realistic also try to make it real.
I am going to add more candy to my Scatter Candy so it will be little different when I add some dum dums with the other candy it's going to look really different.