Wednesday, April 30, 2014

In proses being finished

This page is in proses being finished all I have to is write on my note card and summarizing these two brochure's because I have to explain what they are.
The light Green Brochure is the Christmas Choir Concert that the Choir sang and it is called The Andrews High School Choral Department Presents A:
The other on brochure is the Andrews High School Band concert and it is called the Sounds of the Season by The Mighty Mustangs Band.
The Choir and Band did a wonderful job this year and I did enjoy watching them perform their concerts. 

Starting Page

Here is my page that I am working on and they are Mustang Band and Christmas Choir Concert Brochure.
These are the concert's that I went to during my Senior Year and I enjoy lessening to them sing and play there interments as well.
They all did a wonderful job throughout the school year and I am so proud of them all.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Finish Page

I am finish with page for now because I do not have any letters for what I have in mind but when I do have them I'll put them on there.
I do like how it came out because the background is red with Cover Page on it with a Mustang on it.
I though it would be really nice to have Velvet red background for my cover page.
When I do put some letters on it I'll take a picture of it to show what it looks when I am done with it completely. 

Starting Project

Here is my Starting page that I working on and it is my cover page that has my Theme is Keys To My Senior Memories. Then It has my name and the year that I am Graduating is May 30th of 2014.
Finally I have my quot that I have to have it they are Psalms 23 and Psalms 119 on it as well.
Those are my favorite Bible Verses so I put both of them on my cover page. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

My Would Event Page

Here is my Would Event Page that I did and when I get to have the chance to put lettering on I'll put the Would Event right in the middle and work myself down when I lay it down to glue.
Then after I get done with that this page will be finished then I will not have to worry about not having a Would Event or National Event.
I will have a National Event page when I start working on it so it might be extra credit but I'm not sure so I'm doing both.


Here is my VASE  page that I did yesterday and it game out really good also it I did have fun at VASE because I got to show my Art work, and I did get to make a bracelet that you can were around your rest and your neck as well.
I did some drawing and I as well it was fun to because I get to meat new people and I got to hang out with my friends as well.
The ones that I did is on the right side of the page and the left side of the page was Jessica's mom who did the drawing as well.
We all had fun, we all enjoyed it as well, and most of all we learn a lot when we all went to VASE because then we can learn what we need to work on and learn more about art as well.

I did this page yesterday and I thought I posted it but I didn't so I am posting it today.

My Get To Gether Page

Here is my Get Together page that I just finished putting together during second period and I do like how I put it all together. The friends who got to come to my Senior Get Together is Jimmy, Robert, and Logan who are Seniors Yesena and Aaron who is a Sophomores and my brother friend Patrick who is in seventh grade all came to the Get Together.
We all had spending time with each other we all kicked little bit of soccer ball but the most thing that we played was catching the football and throwing to each other.
Then we play kick ball as well together and my brother and I was the captains so we both pick who is on our team and there was one person who got pick what side to be on and it was Jimmy, because it was there was no one else to pick so I told him that you can pick then he said that was tough to pick.
So Jimmy asked me may alternate the teams and I said yes how ever he would like to do it.
Then we started playing kick ball with each other also I did get picked on while we were playing and I was trying to run tword third base. While I was running tword third base Jimmy caught me and told the team to get me out he also was trying to keep me from third base, and I was trying to get there then he let me go run.
We all had fun playing kick ball with each other and we enjoyed spending time with each other.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


I commented on Alexssa scrapbook that she as been working on and it is coming along together really good.
  I commented on Monica, and Anali painting that they have done and they are doing well. They have improved so much this year while they are painting I know I have before I had to work on my scrapbook.

My Birthday Cards

Here is the first picture that I took and the are for my my Birthday Cards invitations that I made.
The colors that I chosen are to us my invitations are Black, Gold, Red, Orange, and Blue.
The second picture is has what I'm going to put on it.
Black and Gold paper is for the First card that Has the Mocking Jay holding the arrow in its beack.
The second picture is going to have Little bit of Gold, Orange, and Red Background.
The Third picture is going to be Blue and it will have some whit with it as well.

Monday, April 21, 2014

My Career Page

Here is my Career Page that I am working on and I'm not if it goes to the front of my scrapbook or not so I'm putting it there to make be safe.
I am still working on it but still have to work on it little bit so it will be finished.

My Thank You Letter Page is finished

I am done with this page I just finished it and now I'm going to put in my Scrapbook so I can work on another page of my scrapbook so I can also post it as well.
The reason I pocked this background that has butterflies on it is because it went well with my Thank You Card that has flowers on it and also it from Mrs. Hada who wrote me back.
I do love all of my teachers that I had and have right now.
They have helped me though out my High School Years I am exstreamly I have teachers and, friends who help me and encouraged to do my best and don't ever give up what I love to do.

I rea-range my Thank You Card Page

I Rea-ranged this page because I would have to put my Thank You Card side ways and I really did not want that.
So what I did was I took the thank you letter and the summery off of it and moved it different spots so I can have my Thank You Card is vertical, when I want to take the page out to read my Thank You Card then I can.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Page That I Am Working On

Here is my page that I am working on right and it has a Thank You Card that Harly gave to me to tell me thank you.
I do have a receipt from the Family Book Store here in Andrews that I got Harly a Thank You Card sense he was retiring from working at Andrews High School.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My Career Page

Here is my Career Page that I have to have in my scrapbook and I did listed the things that I like to do, also these are my goals in life that I want to meat when I graduate from Andrews High School.
I do have back ups if I can't become an Art Teacher that I want to be do have other things I do really well.
I work so hard though out my high school years and do my best to accomplish and reach for my goals even if it takes me a long time I will accomplish them no matter what it takes.

Monday, April 14, 2014

I made neck ales

I added a neck ales on my Prom page during 2nd period and it looks like the theme of the prom.
I will add more things to my prom page but right now I have to bring some pictures for my prom pages so I can finish this topic.
I am so happy that I got to go to my Senior Prom because I do enjoy it very much I will not ever forget my Senior Prom as long I have my scrapbook with me.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Here is my Prom picture that I am working on and it is one my memorable day because it my Senior Year and I was nominated as Prom Queen and I am Happy that I got to be the Prom Queen.
I am steel working on it and also it is coming along really well it is just taking time to put it together.
I do know that I'll have more pictures so I can add to it to my scrapbook to remind me about my Senior Year.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Different pages from my Scrapbook

Here is one of my pages that I have and it has my Homecoming Dance Ticket that I went to after the football game. I had fun at the dance because I did dance with some friends but I also, danced by myself and when I was dancing by myself on of my, friends and his name is Robert and he just came and slide in and danced with me we both had fun with each other.
I also dance with some other friends as well who came up to me and danced with me as well all had fun.

Here is my other page that I went to the Air Show and my friend Logan bought three tickets for one for him, one for my brother, and one for me so we can go see the Air Show. My grandparents took us all three to the Air Show and we all enjoyed it and my grandparents stayed to watch as well. It was my late birthday gift and I had fun spending time with my grandparents, my brother, and my friend Logan.

Here is my third page that I did and it has a Christmas card, that my friend Yesena gave to me with a gift that she got me.
I do have message that Aimee send to me with a candy cane on it and, I wanted to cry because what she wrote ment so much to me.